The statement:
The Author deliberately did not write the big
scientific work, it has only concentrated in the small text on
volume, the maximum thought. The author is not responsible for
"Russian national idea» or «Russian idea of the people of
Russia» in cases: distortions and distortions of thought of the
author, enclosed in the text, and also for text copyings not in
full. The request to direct all claims, wishes and questions to
electronic address. The author will try to
answer all. All text translations of "Russian national idea», in
English, German, French and other languages are not official,
and are intended for acquaintance. The official text «Russian
national idea» is published on it web a site in Russian.
Idea!: Dialectics and the relation to «Russian national
idea» or «Russian idea of the people of Russia» - rather
significant theme as the history, since slavic tribes, always
tried to resolve a problem of a life of mankind on the basis of
dialectic materialism. Remains all a little, "will concentrate"
on the basic vital senses. Our advantages and errors which exist
at present, we get from ancestors, and we inherit to our
descendants. That the society has changed, it is necessary to
begin will change to an individual (an individual - the person
considered, how the independent person, as separate unit among
other individuals (people)). For this purpose that a society and
the individual, was in a balance condition, it is necessary to
solve its "spiritual" and "material" parts. To spiritual and
material components, we carry a harmonious condition of an
individual in the following:
1. Mutual relation of an individual with itself and
world around.
2. Mutual relation of an individual in a family. At the
first level, mutual relations with the wife and children. At the
second level, mutual relations with parents. At the third level,
mutual relations with relatives. At different age and
force-majeur situations levels can vary.
3. Labour and developing activity. At the first level,
mutual relations with employers (which parts influence on "material").
At the second level, mutual relations with colleagues on labour
activity (including the compelled dialogue). Also developing
mutual relations with friends and individuals on interests of an
4. Formation or development of an individual. At the
first level, formation or development of an individual on means
of the "teacher" transferring base knowledge, claimed by the
state is meant. At the second level, training of an individual
on means of self-education without participation of "teacher",
also is not claimed by the state, i.e. it is necessary for the
individual, for a harmonious condition of the person.
5. Mutual relation of an individual with the state and
its structure. Performance by the state of the obligations taken
on on mutual relations with an individual, and delegated by it.
At the first level, possibility of realisation of material
requirements (work - money - work and money - work - money), for
realisation of requirements connected with material inputs. And
as performance of social guarantees (pensions and a condition in
which it is impossible to conduct labour activity). At the
second level, health services. At the third level, physical
safety (military and intellectual defence of the country against
external enemies; militia or the militarised divisions
legislations providing performance; the help at occurrence of
extreme situations; a legal protection of an individual).
In the Russian Federation also as well as Russian do not have
definitely formulated national idea. And not only recently try
to formulate Russian national idea, and all attempts were not
successful. Russian, as well as Russia, it was always peculiar
to live with belief in a shower which always helped to achieve
the object, for this purpose and «Russian national idea» or
«Russian idea of the people of Russia» is formulated.
Idea 1. Mutual relation of an individual with
itself and world around.
The Person includes unity of social and biological components.
The biological component dares material by. And the
social component dares by as spiritually, and is material. The
mutual relation of an individual with itself is not adequate in
relation to world around, as well as on the contrary. Any
attempts imposing to Russian (Russian) individual of outlook
alien to it, led to self-destruction of an individual. The
history of 20 centuries proves, that in Russia all has been made,
for self-destruction of Russian (Russian) people (revolutionary
movement; civil war; Stalin reprisals; great domestic war and
finishing democratic 90 years).
The Individual (person) should aspire to the calling, thus
realising the spiritual part. As it is not clear to a
society with lower spiritual development it is compelled to lift
a society to the level of spiritual development. In this
connection, the role of an individual in a society becomes more
considerable, then there is a responsibility of an individual
before a society. Russian (Russian) people possess experience of
freedom from external compulsion, as keep its cultural heritage.
Absence of compulsion allows not to spend force for struggle,
and all energy to direct on the development. Absence of war,
both external, and internal strengthens spiritual qualities of
an individual, not putting it harm. Spirituality and reason they
are interconnected, as allows them to develop in parallel. In a
society freedom of an individual is limited to interests of a
society and then public laws come into force. In this connection
there are concepts as freedom and responsibility.
Idea 2. A family. Mutual
relation of an individual in a family.
The Family carries out following functions: sexual regulation;
the reproductive; socialisation; emotional satisfaction; the
status; the protective; the economic.
Family is main social institute. One of the primary goals
reproduction of new generations of its members. Socialisation of
an individual and intimate dialogue in a family promotes a
harmonious condition of an individual. Physical and psychiatric
illnesses appear in the absence of love. The individual who has
been brought up in a family, receives some statuses close to
statuses of members of his family as a heritage. The individual
in a family carries out physical, economic and psychological
protection of the members. The family promotes formation of
strong economic relations between them. Norms of home life
include the obligatory help and support of each member of a
family in case at it arise what or difficulties. In a case when
spouses not can exist normally for various reasons in common -
leads to divorce. There is a partner change, and also "normal"
development of children (individual) stops. To a society and the
state such not stability is not favourable. Certain rules and
laws, should complicate divorce or give privileges of one of the
parties. In case of inevitability of divorce, privileges in
relation to joint children should enter. Children (individuals)
reserve the right to itself for parents, in not dependences on
interests of their parents.
Idea 3. Labour and developing activity.
Condition: The Mankind always tries to
change vital reference points. Individualistic criteria in the
organisation of labour activity cannot be any more predominating
in a society. Naturally the individual demands the maximum
material benefit from the labour activity. In the course of
labour activity development is required to an individual.
Development: Historically developed,
Russian (Russian) values it: diligence, kindness, justice,
honesty, responsibility, tolerance, patriotism. For individuals
there is a problem - motivation of labour activity for
self-realisation in work. Development of an individual is
boundless in favorable conditions. There are three principles of
labour motivation: work for the sake of work, work for the sake
of material enrichment, work for the sake of development. The
mutual relation of an individual with industrial system and the
state definitely influences a material component of work. The
aspiration to the maximum professionalism is based on formation.
Career growth also is based on formation, but is limited to
requirement of manufacture. The raised professionalism and
motivation reduction in professional development is compensated
by spiritual and developing activity. The state compensates put
both physical, and psychological harm put to an individual.
The state accompanies medical and educational
Idea 4. Formation or
development of an individual.
the formation Role at the present stage of development of Russia
is defined by problems of its transition to democratic and to a
lawful state, to market economy, necessity of overcoming of
danger of backlog of the country from world tendencies economic
and social development. In the modern world value of formation
as major factor of formation of new quality of economy and
society increases together with growth of influence of the human
At the artist, the writer,
the poet, never will ask the diploma about formation (klyoma).
It is necessary to provide everywhere equal access of
individuals to a high-grade quality education according to their
interests and propensities, irrespective of a material
prosperity of a family, a residing place, and a state of health.
Maintenance of a free education within the state educational
standard. Quality of formation is provided with the state on the
basis of standards. Formation considers - formation received by
an individual within interests of the state, and also in
interests of an individual (cultural, intellectual, material
development). Formation should be divided into following
components: base (high school), professional (training to
working specialities), supervising (engineers, designers,
technologists, managers, chiefs etc.) Intellectual (science
officers). Also as a formation branch on creative specialities.
Idea 5. The state. Mutual
relation of an individual with state structure.
Performance by the state of the
obligations taken on on mutual relations with an individual.
Relations of the citizen (individual) and the state (a control
system of individuals) became independent from each other. That
leads to the conflict, both to social, and to clinically -
psychological. State declaring as social, legal, in a reality
and remains at declaring level. The public contract on
partnership of citizens (individuals) and the state constantly
varies taking into account interests of the state on the basis
of a material component. Involving of citizens (individuals) and
expression of their interests is carried out conditionally.
Construction as socially - legal, on the basis of interests of
an individual, with realisation on state means. Realisation such
social and a lawful state as much as possible depends on
development of an individual, a society of individuals, its
ability to realise and formulate the interests and requirements,
with the identical purposes and methods of their decision. The
society of individuals creates the organizational structures,
capable to use resources of the state for their satisfaction. An
emphasis on a family increase in a moral and material component,
will allow to strengthen the social protection mechanism, and to
reduce expenses for the state. The state begins capable to count
a consequence of the decisions for long term, and to bear
Russian (Russian) national going, cannot be invented, it is
formulated in the course of existence of Russian people. It
remains on all extent of existence of the nation, the technique
of its achievement changes only. Russian (Russian) nation we
name the political generality created by Russian people and
including all numerous radical people, living on territory of
the Russian Federation, the integrated in Russian spiritual,
cultural and state tradition. Russian as the people, in turn,
represent the ethnic generality consisting from Welikorossov,
Malorossov, Byelorussians and Rusinov. Russian (Russian) power
in Russia can arise only in the event that weights of Russian
population and the people occupying territory of Russia, Russian
national idea possesses. Outside of Russia, Russian (Russian)
national idea will prevail at the expense of Rusinov and
emigrants, carriers of Russian (Russian) national idea. Here it
is impossible to confuse nationalism to Russian (Russian)
national idea, these are different concepts. On a way of the
performance, five components of Russian (Russian) national idea,
the individual will be strong spiritually and financially. The
Russian (Russian) state and its individuals will faster develop,
the strange there will be results domination of Russian
(Russian) national idea all over the world. In the absence of
spirituality an individual to whom it is not necessary,
accordingly such state patients, not guests and so on interest. |